Duke Medical Center Library & Archives Blog

Biomedical Information on the Go with Mobile Apps
Posted On: Thursday, August 15, 2019 - 11:49 by Karen Barton

The Duke Medical Center Library & Archives provides access to many mobile apps that may be used to find drug information, guidelines, step-by-step medical procedures, and more in a snap. See the Mobile Apps LibGuide for download instructions and more detailed information.

The most popular point-of-care apps include UpToDate, ClinicalKey, and DynaMed Plus, which feature an impressive variety of medical calculators and clinical evidence. Lexicomp, Micromedex, and the Johns Hopkins ABX Guide are popular resources for drug information, including interactions, comparisons, and identification.

Other apps include Guideline Central,


Categories: Explore Tools

Tags: mobile apps

Biomedical Information on the Go with Mobile Apps
Posted On: Thursday, August 15, 2019 - 11:49 by Karen Barton

The Duke Medical Center Library & Archives provides access to many mobile apps that may be used to find drug information, guidelines, step-by-step medical procedures, and more in a snap. See the Mobile Apps LibGuide for download instructions and more detailed information.

The most popular point-of-care apps include UpToDate, ClinicalKey, and DynaMed Plus, which feature an impressive variety of medical calculators and clinical evidence. Lexicomp, Micromedex, and the Johns Hopkins ABX Guide are popular resources for drug information, including interactions, comparisons, and identification.

Other apps include Guideline Central,


Categories: Explore Tools

Tags: mobile apps

Link Your Existing UpToDate Account to Duke's Version
Posted On: Thursday, July 11, 2019 - 08:26 by Sarah Cantrell

Are you new to Duke and want to link your existing UpToDate account to Duke's institutional access? Here's what to do!

If access through your previous institution or personal subscription is still active:

You must let this lapse before you can link your account to Duke's institutional access. This will enable you to keep your existing username and password, as well as any accrued Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits. Once it has lapsed, access UpToDate via the Medical Center Library’s Website. Login with your existing username and password. 

If access through your previous institution or…


Categories: Databases

Tags: UpToDate

Wall Street Journal Access for the Duke Community!
Posted On: Sunday, June 9, 2019 - 16:53 by Brandi Tuttle

Thanks to Duke's Ford Business Library and Goodson Law Library, all Duke University students, faculty and staff are eligible to sign up for personal accounts on WSJ.com, the online Wall Street Journal. You can also get WSJ.com for your mobile devices!

Connect to this page for links to the FAQ, registration, instructions, and information for those who already pay for a personal account on WSJ.com.

Categories: Alerts, Resource Updates

Tags: news, Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal Access for the Duke Community!
Posted On: Sunday, June 9, 2019 - 16:53 by Brandi Tuttle

Thanks to Duke's Ford Business Library and Goodson Law Library, all Duke University students, faculty and staff are eligible to sign up for personal accounts on WSJ.com, the online Wall Street Journal. You can also get WSJ.com for your mobile devices!

Connect to this page for links to the FAQ, registration, instructions, and information for those who already pay for a personal account on WSJ.com.

Categories: Alerts, Resource Updates

Tags: news, Wall Street Journal

Track Your Publishing Contributions in Publons
Posted On: Friday, May 24, 2019 - 16:34 by Megan Von Isenburg

What is Publons?

Publons is a Web service that allows you to track your publications, citations, and contributed peer reviews in one dashboard. Publons also calculates your h-index (the productivity/impact indicator calculated using the number of articles and number of citations to those articles) and displays all data on a public-facing dashboard.

Originally launched as a service to track completed peer reviews, Publons was recently purchased by Clarivate, the group that owns Web of Science, and has added integrations with published citation data using the Web of Science…


Categories: Resource Updates

Creating and Using an ORCID iD
Posted On: Thursday, April 25, 2019 - 18:22 by Karen Barton

As of March 1, an author search for "John Smith" yields 818 results in Scopus. The first 30 authors in this search have over 7,300 articles combined. ORCID (pronounced ORKID or ORK ID) is a great solution for differentiating authors and connecting them to all of their own research.  As a globally supported non-profit organization, it maintains a registry of unique and persistent identifiers for authors that may be used across databases and other places where research is found.

All you need to do is register and it only takes 30 seconds! You can then link your ID to other identifiers such as those found in Scopus, Duke Directory and Scholars@Duke, and LinkedIn. Keep in mind…


Categories: Explore Tools

Tags: ORCID, Scholars@Duke, scopus

Creating and Using an ORCID iD
Posted On: Thursday, April 25, 2019 - 18:22 by Karen Barton

As of March 1, an author search for "John Smith" yields 818 results in Scopus. The first 30 authors in this search have over 7,300 articles combined. ORCID (pronounced ORKID or ORK ID) is a great solution for differentiating authors and connecting them to all of their own research.  As a globally supported non-profit organization, it maintains a registry of unique and persistent identifiers for authors that may be used across databases and other places where research is found.

All you need to do is register and it only takes 30 seconds! You can then link your ID to other identifiers such as those found in Scopus, Duke Directory and Scholars@Duke, and LinkedIn. Keep in mind…


Categories: Explore Tools

Tags: ORCID, Scholars@Duke, scopus

Creating and Using an ORCID iD
Posted On: Thursday, April 25, 2019 - 18:22 by Karen Barton

As of March 1, an author search for "John Smith" yields 818 results in Scopus. The first 30 authors in this search have over 7,300 articles combined. ORCID (pronounced ORKID or ORK ID) is a great solution for differentiating authors and connecting them to all of their own research.  As a globally supported non-profit organization, it maintains a registry of unique and persistent identifiers for authors that may be used across databases and other places where research is found.

All you need to do is register and it only takes 30 seconds! You can then link your ID to other identifiers such as those found in Scopus, Duke Directory and Scholars@Duke, and LinkedIn. Keep in mind…


Categories: Explore Tools

Tags: ORCID, Scholars@Duke, scopus

PMIDs, DOIs, and PMCIDs Oh My!
Posted On: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 - 16:44 by Brandi Tuttle

Let’s take a moment to demystify these commonly used acronyms. They are all unique identifiers for an article (like a barcode), which can be used to easily link to or find an article online.

A PMID (such as 30256255) is a unique numerical identifier for an article in PubMed. You will notice every article included in PubMed has a PMID under the citation/abstract. You can search this number in PubMed or our E-Journals page to go straight to that particular article.

E-Journals page

The International DOI Foundation assigns a unique alphanumeric string to…


Categories: Databases

Tags: pubmed, citations

PMIDs, DOIs, and PMCIDs Oh My!
Posted On: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 - 16:44 by Brandi Tuttle

Let’s take a moment to demystify these commonly used acronyms. They are all unique identifiers for an article (like a barcode), which can be used to easily link to or find an article online.

A PMID (such as 30256255) is a unique numerical identifier for an article in PubMed. You will notice every article included in PubMed has a PMID under the citation/abstract. You can search this number in PubMed or our E-Journals page to go straight to that particular article.

E-Journals page

The International DOI Foundation assigns a unique alphanumeric string to…


Categories: Databases

Tags: pubmed, citations

Need Help with a Poster?
Posted On: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 - 23:24 by Leila Ledbetter

Do you have a conference, meeting, or class assignment coming up that involves creating a poster?  

If so, we can help! Check out our Poster Guide which offers best practices on poster creation, poster templates, printing options, and tutorials..

Schedule a consultation to get customized help on your project or drop us a line at medical-librarian@duke.edu!

Attention Authors with QI Manuscripts and Case Reports!
Posted On: Monday, February 4, 2019 - 08:16 by Sarah Cantrell

The Medical Center Library & Archives now provides a membership subscription to BMJ Open Quality to support your quality research and healthcare improvement work! These codes allow you to publish your manuscripts without open access fees if your manuscript is accepted after peer review. This adds to our existing membership to BMJ Case Reports

For all Duke faculty, nurses, residents, and students submitting to these two BMJ journals, please use the following codes:
BMJ Case Reports: Fellowship Code is 878215
BMJ Open Quality:  4490735452

You must be currently affiliated with Duke to use these codes…

Categories: Alerts, Resource Updates

Off-Campus Access to Lexicomp Available Using VPN
Posted On: Thursday, January 24, 2019 - 13:27 by Beverly Murphy

Access to Lexicomp from off-campus is available by using the VPN. For information on accessing our resources using the VPN, please see our Access from Off-Campus page.

Categories: Alerts, Databases

Tags: Lexicomp

ECRI Guidelines Trust: Tool to Access Clinical Practice Guidelines
Posted On: Monday, December 17, 2018 - 09:28 by Amanda Woodward

The ECRI Guidelines Trust is a new portal to access evidence-based clinical practice guidelines summaries. The ECRI Institute, a non-profit organization focused on bringing applied scientific research to healthcare, created this guideline repository in response to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) loss of funding for National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) in July 2018. For 20 years, ECRI Institute worked with AHRQ to develop and maintain the NGC website.

Developed independently from NGC, Guidelines Trust is a growing resource that includes clinical practice guidelines that meet the following inclusion criteria:


Categories: Explore Tools, Resource Updates

Tags: guidelines