Databases: Clinical Sciences

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z
  • AccessMedicine

    Contains the latest electronic editions of over 95 core biomedical and health sciences textbooks, including Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Hurst's The Heart, Williams Obstetrics, and the CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment series.




    Finding and Using E-Books

  • AccessMedicine Case Files Collection

    Offers a comprehensive case collection in an interactive format which can be incorporated into a digital curricula. Helps students at all levels learn and apply basic science and clinical medicine concepts in the context of realistic patient cases.



    AccessMedicine Case Files Collection


    Ask a Librarian

  • AccessSurgery

    This surgical education and clinical practice resource features textbooks (e.g. Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery), videos, interactive board review questions, and more. Please note: AccessSurgery is available on a two-year trial basis as of June, 2023.




    Finding and Using E-Books


  • ACP Journal Club

    Original studies and systematic reviews to help physicians keep pace with important advances in internal medicine.


    ACP Journal Club


    Ask a Librarian

  • Books@Ovid

    Searchable electronic versions of clinical reference texts.




    Finding and Using E-Books

  • Case Files Collection (AccessMedicine)

    Offers a comprehensive case collection in an interactive format which can be incorporated into a digital curricula. Helps students at all levels learn and apply basic science and clinical medicine concepts in the context of realistic patient cases.


    Case Files Collection (AccessMedicine)


    Ask a Librarian

  • ClinicalKey

    Online search tool for e-books, journals, Procedures Consult, surgical Vitals and other clinical information.  

    Note: To access PDF files for E-books, you must register for and login to a personal account. Click hereto create a FREE user profile. If you get a session time out message while searching ClinicalKey, please close or refresh your browser and try your search again.




    Ask a Librarian

  • ClinicalKey E-Books

    Access to more than 1,000 e-books in medicine and surgery.

    NOTE:To access PDF files for E-books, you must register for and login to a personal account. Click hereto create a FREE user profile. If you get a session time out message while searching ClinicalKey, please close or refresh your browser and try your search again.


    ClinicalKey E-Books


    Finding and Using E-Books Guide


    Current information about the location of federal and private clinical trials, their design and purpose, and criteria for participation for patients, family members, and the public.



    Ask a Librarian

  • Cochrane Library

    Collection of databases containing independent evidence to inform healthcare decision making. Includes full-text PDF versions of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews for both complete reviews and protocols.


    Cochrane Library


    Cochrane Library Search Tips

  • Decker: Surgery (formerly ACS Surgery)

    Decker: Surgery (formerly ACS Surgery), contains authoritative recommendations on current surgical care from master surgeons. Includes drawings, graphs, photos, and decision-making algorithms. Please note: This resource has a limited number of simultaneous users. Try again later if unable to access.


    Decker: Surgery (formerly ACS Surgery)


    Ask a Librarian

  • DynaMed

    Provides current, evidence-based information including overviews, recommendations, expert reviews, Micromedex drug content, images, and more.




    DynaMed Search Tips

  • Embase

    Biomedical and pharmaceutical database covering drug effects, therapies, and evidence based information to help in delivering systematic reviews of the literature. Includes titles not covered by Medline.




    Embase Search Tips

  • Healthwise Patient Education (English)

    Evidence-based health education platform written in plain language. Includes information about specific conditions and drugs, decision aids, instructions, procedures, videos, and more, in English and Spanish. Please Note: This system replaces ExitCare Patient Education.


    Healthwise Patient Education (English)


    Ask a Librarian

  • Healthwise Patient Education (Spanish)

    Evidence-based health education platform written in plain language. Includes information about specific conditions and drugs, decision aids, instructions, procedures, videos, and more, in English and Spanish. Please Note: This system replaces ExitCare Patient Education.


    Healthwise Patient Education (Spanish)


    Ask a Librarian

  • JAMAevidence

    Variety of resource tools for learning, teaching, and practicing evidence-based medicine.




    Ask a Librarian

  • Johns Hopkins ABX (Antibiotic) Guide

    Antibiotic resource featuring frequently updated, authoritative, evidenced-based information on the treatment of infectious diseases. Use it to choose correct drugs and dosages, review risks of potential adverse reactions or interactions, discover or confirm diagnoses with details on pathogens and clinical considerations, and access medical literature with reference links.


    Johns Hopkins ABX (Antibiotic) Guide


    John Hopkins ABX Search Tips

  • Lippincott Advisor

    Evidence-based content for practicing nurses providing access to online references at the point of care. Content includes clinical diagnosis and treatment, care planning, quality and safety Initiatives, and patient teaching handouts. Users can browse by topic or category, scroll through alphabetical lists of monographs, or perform a search to identify a particular monograph. Content can be simultaneously searched with Lippincott Procedures
    NOTE: On-campus access is limited to the Duke Health network. For off-campus access, please connect to the Duke Health VPN


    Lippincott Advisor


    Lippincott Advisor Search Tips

  • Lippincott Procedures

    Provides access to step-by-procedures in nursing, respiratory therapy and physical therapy. Each entry provides complete instructions, including equipment needed, preparation guidelines, implementation steps, special considerations, patient teaching information, documentation, images, and references (levels of evidence). Users can scroll through an alphabetical list, browse by discipline, category/subcategory, or search to identify a particular procedure. Managers can use this program to  assess and track staff competency (account login required) as each procedure is linked with at least one skills checklist and procedure test. Content can be simultaneously searched with Lippincott Advisor. NOTE: On-campus access is limited to the Duke Health network.


    Lippincott Procedures


    Lippincott Procedures Search Tips

  • MEDLINE (Ovid)

    Access to citations in MEDLINE (including in-process & other non-indexed citations) with links to participating online journals. Off-campus users should login with NetID when prompted.

    If you need to save searches, set up autoalerts, or create a project workspace, you may create a personal account at the Ovid Website. Click on the "My Account" link in the top right corner of the page to create and access your account.


    MEDLINE (Ovid)


    Tutorials and Tipsheets: Ovid MEDLINE