Duke Medical Center Library & Archives Blog
Tag: research

All of Us Research Program: What Researchers Need to Know
Posted On: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 - 08:24 by Lesley Skalla, Ph.D.

Launched in 2018, the All of Us Research Program is an NIH longitudinal cohort study aimed at advancing precision medicine and improving human health by partnering with more than one million US participants. To provide rich opportunities for researchers in all career stages, the All of Us program is building a unique biomedical dataset of expansive health data from diverse populations, particularly those underrepresented in biomedical research.

What kind of data is available? Data from the All of Us Research Program includes electronic health records (EHRs), biospecimens, participant surveys (including social determinants of health), genomics, physical measurements, and mobile/wearable tech. There are currently 804,000+…


Categories: Explore Tools

Tags: research, for researchers, data

ChatGPT for Research and Writing: A Library Perspective
Posted On: Tuesday, May 30, 2023 - 15:15 by Megan Von Isenburg

From a YouTube tutorial showing how ChatGPT can "write a systematic review [in] under 1 hour" to reports of the program's fabrication of fake citations, recent media coverage of ChatGPT demonstrates a wide range of both promise and peril for its use in library research and writing tasks. We understand the interest in automating and streamlining these tasks: it is time consuming and difficult to find relevant articles, synthesize knowledge, and put it all into writing. So when can ChatGPT help and when might it lead you astray?

First, some background:
ChatGPT, a chatbot from the company OpenAI, is one example of generative artificial intelligence (AI) based on large language models (LLMs). Google's Bard program is similar. These generative text…


Tags: research, writing

NIH Preprints for Early Access to COVID-19 Research
Posted On: Friday, June 19, 2020 - 18:15 by Karen Barton

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) has launched a pilot project to test the viability of making preprints resulting from NIH-funded research available via PubMed Central (PMC). It is very important to note that these preprints will NOT be peer-reviewed. Therefore, when you search PubMed Central or PubMed (which also retrieves PubMed Central articles), you may see preprints in your search results that will display the banner shown to the right below.

The pilot project will run for a minimum of 12 months and will initially focus on increasing the discoverability of preprints relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. Once curation and ingest workflows become scalable, NLM hopes to expand the pilot to include the full spectrum of NIH…


Categories: Resource Updates

Tags: NIH, COVID-19, for researchers, research, coronavirus

Do You Know Your Research Impact?
Posted On: Friday, April 27, 2018 - 09:18 by Beverly Murphy

Have you recently checked to see the research impact you, your team, department, or other group has had?  The Medical Center Library & Archives can help you gather and interpret publication metrics.  You have likely heard of an h-index, but there are many ways to demonstrate the value of your work. Check out our Publication Metrics guide to learn more!

Contact the Library today for assistance in demonstrating the impact of your work!

Tags: for researchers, research

Office Hours to Assist with Human Subject Research Proposals
Posted On: Wednesday, December 20, 2017 - 14:44 by Beverly Murphy

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has broadened its definition of clinical trial and is instituting the use of a new forms packet for collecting information about human subjects research at the time of proposal submission. These changes are substantial and will impact applications (new, resubmission, or revision) and awards with submission dates after January 25, 2018.

In an effort to answer questions related to these changes, several offices at Duke are coming together to offer office hours at the Medical Center Library & Archives (see schedule below). These are open to any faculty and staff with questions about proposal preparation or submission. General questions about these changes or office hours can be directed to


Categories: Alerts

Tags: NIH, for researchers, research

Test Instruments Guide
Posted On: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 - 15:26 by Jesse Akman

One of the many challenges faced when beginning a project is finding and selecting appropriate test instruments. Our handy Test Instruments Guide can be used to navigate the process. It includes both online and print resources and provides search tips for finding specific instruments. Sample resources include:


Categories: Resource Updates

Tags: test instruments, for researchers, research, guide

Have you ever wanted to respond to a PubMed article?
Posted On: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 - 12:51 by Erica Brody

PubMed Commons lets you in on the research conversation. It is a system that enables researchers to share opinions and information about scientific publications. If you are listed on even one item indexed in PubMed, you are eligible to become a member of PubMed Commons. You will need a My NCBI account and an invitation to join PubMed Commons. Both are free of charge.

Getting an invitation to PubMed Commons:

  •  E-mail addresses of eligible authors have been collected from the NIH, the Wellcome Trust and authors' email addresses in PubMed and PubMed Central.

Categories: Explore Tools

Tags: pubmed, for researchers, My NCBI, publications, research

Get More from PubMed
Posted On: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 - 15:57 by Brandi Tuttle

Have you ever wondered if you are getting all that you can from PubMed? Check out these tips and tricks to make sure you are finding all the research on your topic and getting free access to articles in the Duke collections.

1. Click on PubMed from the Medical Library’s Website to get full text available through Duke, or bookmark the link: https://mclibrary.duke.edu/pubmed

PubMed is liberally scattered throughout the Medical Library’s Website (on the main page under Quicklinks, Clinical Tools page, and more). Using one of these PubMed links…


Categories: Databases, Resource Updates

Tags: pubmed, research, literature search, My NCBI

Copyright - Be in the Know!
Posted On: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 - 13:31 by Erica Brody

Why should you care about copyright?

As a future author, you may want to protect your work so that you're recognized for materials you have created and do not lose control of them. For some things you may not care, but as your career grows you will want recognition for the book, video, or journal article that you've created. Think about how you would feel if someone or some corporation took your work, mass distributed it, and you got no credit, or in some cases, no royalties for what you wrote or produced?

Check out the Library's guides Copyright for Students and Copyright to learn everything you need to know about…


Categories: Resource Updates

Tags: research, for researchers, copyright, plagiarism

Findings from a Study of Duke Researchers
Posted On: Friday, May 9, 2014 - 12:52 by Emily Mazure

The Medical Center Library & Archives has held focus groups in the past 1.5 years to explore the research needs of early-career researchers. 

What have we learned at this point?

We conducted four focus groups in which we had a total of 12 participants: 2 graduate students, 5 postdocs, and 5 faculty. The overarching theory we developed was that participants were unaware of or didn't understand many tools, services, and resources available to them through the University and/or Library. 

In support of the larger theory above, participants reported that:

  • Finding collaborators was difficult
  • Navigating the research process and structure was confusing
  • Navigating the grant lifecycle was complex
  • Finding and obtaining help at Duke was challenging…

Tags: research

New Guide Available: Enhance Your Research Impact
Posted On: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 - 15:31 by Adrianne Leonardelli

"Research impact is the demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to society and the economy. It embraces all the diverse ways that research-related skills benefit individuals, organisations and nations." Research Councils UK (RCUK)

The Library has developed a new guide, "Enhance Your Research Impact," to help researchers quantify and improve their research impact!

It is important that researchers know their impact as it can help:

  • Support applications for tenure or promotion
  • Justify requests for grants and other funding
  • Quantify and determine how their research is being used…

Tags: guide, research