Duke Medical Center Library & Archives News

OMMBID Database Trial
Posted On: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 - 08:42 by Li Ma
The Medical Center Library & Archives is pleased to announce a year-long trial of OMMBID (The Online Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease), an online resource offering comprehensive coverage of the genes and genetic mechanisms underlying human disease states. The trial began July 1, 2024.
Based on Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease, this regularly updated online resource provides the latest developments on the metabolic and molecular underpinnings of inherited diseases, along with updates on pathophysiology and treatment.
This searchable resource features thousands of high-quality images illustrating topics such as protein interactions…
MORECategories: Databases

Disability Pride Month
Posted On: Friday, June 28, 2024 - 14:00 by Katherine Carlson (she/her/hers)
In July we celebrate Disability Pride Month. Check out these resources that we have available in our Reading Room on Level 1. All items are available for checkout. You can also place a hold for pickup via the catalog here. All summaries are taken from the publishers.
Disability Visibility : First-Person Stories from the Twenty-first Century
Edited by Alice Wong
From Harriet McBryde Johnson's account of her debate with Peter Singer over her own personhood to original pieces by authors like Keah Brown and Haben Girma; from blog posts, manifestos, and eulogies to Congressional testimonies, and beyond- this anthology gives a glimpse…
Mobile Apps from the Medical Center Library
Posted On: Thursday, June 27, 2024 - 14:17 by Brandi Tuttle
With more than 3.3 million apps in the Google Play store, it can be tough to figure out which apps are worth your time and/or money. First stop by the Library's Mobile Apps guide to see the health-related apps you can get through Duke or read on to hear about some of the best apps!
Our most popular point-of-care apps include UpToDate and DynaMed, which feature an impressive variety of medical calculators and clinical evidence. We are thrilled to offer both products as they differ in the specialties they cover as well as how they organize their content. DynaMed offers specialties such as Neonatology, Neurosurgery, Occupational Medicine, Ophthalmology, Oral…
MORECategories: Databases, Explore Tools
Tags: mobile apps, UpToDate, DynaMed, Lexicomp, visualdx

All of Us Research Program: What Researchers Need to Know
Posted On: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 - 08:24 by Lesley Skalla, Ph.D.
Launched in 2018, the All of Us Research Program is an NIH longitudinal cohort study aimed at advancing precision medicine and improving human health by partnering with more than one million US participants. To provide rich opportunities for researchers in all career stages, the All of Us program is building a unique biomedical dataset of expansive health data from diverse populations, particularly those underrepresented in biomedical research.
What kind of data is available? Data from the All of Us Research Program includes electronic health records (EHRs), biospecimens, participant surveys (including social determinants of health), genomics, physical measurements, and mobile/wearable tech. There are currently 804,000+…
MORECategories: Explore Tools
Tags: research, for researchers, data

Important Updates on New Library System Launch
Posted On: Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 11:57 by Beverly Murphy
Li Ma, Associate Director, Content & Discovery
As we prepare to launch our new library system, Alma, on July 10, 2024, we want to keep you informed about a few important changes that might impact your experience at the Medical Center Library & Archives.
- The Service Desk and Reading Room will close at 3p on July 5 and reopen at 8a on July 8.
- Requesting items from the Books & Media Catalog will be temporarily unavailable from July 5 to 10. During this time, access to our online journals, articles and databases will remain available.
- After Alma goes live on July 10:
- Online journal search results will be presented in a new interface
- The Books and Media Catalog will emphasize library-…
Categories: Alerts, Resource Updates

Self-Checkout Retires
Posted On: Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 10:22 by Katherine Carlson (she/her/hers)
All the libraries at Duke University, including the Medical Center Library & Archives, are migrating to a new library system called Alma. As part of the transition, we will be retiring our self-checkout machine beginning July 1.
If you find an item that you would like to checkout, please bring it to the Library Service Desk, located on level 2R. Our staff are eager to assist you with any borrowing questions and transactions at the desk.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we implement these changes. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 919.660.1100 or mclibrary-collections@duke.…
MORECategories: Alerts

Easy Access to Resources from Off Campus
Posted On: Monday, June 10, 2024 - 14:55 by Beverly Murphy
Duke students, faculty and staff and most affiliates with a Duke NetID have off-campus access to many online resources, such as databases and e-journals. Simply start at our Website and you will be prompted to sign in with your Duke NetID and password once you get to a resource that requires authentication. Or you may use the Duke NetID Login button at the top right of the site to avoid the need for repeated resource prompts. This login will last until you close your browser.
With the exception of the Duke FormWeb, Micromedex, and CultureVision (which require the VPN), no VPN or Virtual PIN is needed to access our resources. A small subset of Duke's online resources are restricted by license agreements and…
MORETags: off-campus access

Clinical Tools: A Quick Connection to the Evidence
Posted On: Monday, June 10, 2024 - 12:18 by Sarah Cantrell (she/her/hers)
Seeking quick and reliable answers to your clinical questions? Look no further than the Library’s Clinical Tools page! Here you will find a handy list of links to point-of-care resources, decision-support tools, core eBooks, guidelines, and patient education information.
Some of these include:
- DynaMed, which provides evidence-based clinical information concerning diseases, drugs, and other therapies that is highly useful when making decisions about patient care.
- …
Categories: Databases, Explore Tools, Resource Updates

Lexicomp Updates
Posted On: Friday, June 7, 2024 - 15:32 by Brandi Tuttle
Lexicomp is now known as Lexidrug™!
Lexidrug, through the UpToDate® suite of tools, is a collection of content sets and clinical tools that provide robust clinical drug information. The home screen provides you quick access to Lexidrug content via a global search or through their clinical tools. The blue clinical tool bar at the top of the database still connects you directly to individual clinical decision support tools such as Trissel's IV Compatability, Drug Identifier, Interactions, Calculators, and more. The mobile app is still available, see our Mobile Apps guide for more information!
NOTE: The…
MORECategories: Databases, Resource Updates

NEJM Catalyst and NEJM Evidence
Posted On: Friday, May 24, 2024 - 09:36 by Sarah Cantrell (she/her/hers)
The Medical Center Library & Archives has journal subscriptions to both NEJM Catalyst and NEJM Evidence. NEJM Catalyst focuses on innovative ideas and practical applications for health care delivery. It is particularly appealing to health care leaders, as the content typically focuses on process and practice improvement. NEJM Evidence focuses on evidence-based clinical practice and research that informs clinical decision-making. The journal also features a Stats, Stat! section with high-yield, brief videos on topics like heterogeneity…
MORECategories: Explore Tools

May is National Nurses Month
Posted On: Sunday, May 5, 2024 - 10:43 by Beverly Murphy
During this month-long celebration, we focus on the theme, “Nurses Make the Difference.” Let us honor the unwavering commitment of nurses to their patients, and the value they provide to the unified health care team in accomplishing their medical readiness mission.
Tags: nursing

Spring Classes!
Posted On: Thursday, April 25, 2024 - 14:57 by Brandi Tuttle
Ready to learn some new skills or approaches to your research? Check out our class schedule! We offer a variety of online classes related to database searching, systematic reviews, writing abstracts, publishing, citation management, research impact, and more. To find class details, dates, and registration information Click here.
Let us help you work smarter, not harder!
Questions? Ask a Librarian!
*Image credit: Online Learning by sripfoto from NounProject.com
Categories: Classes, Databases
Tags: publishing, pubmed, scopus, cinahl, endnote, zotero, abstracts, searching

Using VisualDx Images
Posted On: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 - 10:42 by Sarah Cantrell (she/her/hers)
Did you know that you can use the images from VisualDx in presentations? Because our Library is an institutional subscriber, you may copy or link to VisualDx Images and illustrations for your clinical or educational use including consulting with individual colleagues, for patient education, and lectures or other teaching material presented within our institution.
Educational material containing VisualDx images and illustrations, including course lectures and handouts, may be added to centralized, institutional learning management systems (e.g., Canvas). VisualDx images and illustrations must remain within the context of access-controlled, specific course material within our…
MORECategories: Databases
Tags: visualdx

Celebrating Nurses Week!
Posted On: Monday, April 22, 2024 - 17:13 by Beverly Murphy
The annual celebration of National Nurses Week, which always begins on May 6 and culminates with the observance of Florence Nightingale’s birthday on May 12, is the perfect time to celebrate the tremendous contributions of nurses and educate the public about nurses’ role in health care.
Thanks for the work you perform every day to care for patients, their loved ones and each other.
Categories: Events
Tags: nursing

Life After Duke
Posted On: Monday, April 22, 2024 - 09:27 by Leila Ledbetter
Graduation is an important and exciting time of change for many students. Sadly, one of these changes may involve losing access to many Duke resources such as library subscriptions to journals and databases.
Before You Lose Access
- Go through your saved citations and PDFs and decide which ones you want to keep. If there are any articles that you would like to get PDFs for, do this before you leave while you still have access to free full text.
- Evaluate your citation manager needs before you leave. If you are using Endnote, double-check that you have the most current version on a personal device. This access will last you for a couple years, but you will have to repurchase it at some…
Categories: Databases
Tags: citation management, reference management, open access