Duke Medical Center Library & Archives News Tag: off-campus access

Easy Access to Resources from Off Campus
Posted On: Monday, June 10, 2024 - 14:55 by Beverly Murphy

Duke students, faculty and staff and most affiliates with a Duke NetID have off-campus access to many online resources, such as databases and e-journals. Simply start at our Website and you will be prompted to sign in with your Duke NetID and password once you get to a resource that requires authentication. Or you may use the Duke NetID Login button at the top right of the site to avoid the need for repeated resource prompts. This login will last until you close your browser.

With the exception of the Duke FormWeb, Micromedex, and CultureVision (which require the VPN), no VPN or Virtual PIN is needed to access our resources. A small subset of Duke's online resources are restricted by license agreements and…


Tags: off-campus access