Duke Medical Center Library & Archives News Tag: citation management

Life After Duke
Posted On: Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 09:27 by Leila Ledbetter

Graduation is an important and exciting time of change for many students. Sadly, one of these changes may involve losing access to many Duke resources such as library subscriptions to journals and databases.

Before You Lose Access

  • Go through your saved citations and PDFs and decide which ones you want to keep. If there are any articles that you would like to get PDFs for, do this before you leave while you still have access to free full text.
  • Evaluate your citation manager needs before you leave. If you are using Endnote, double-check that you have the most current version on a personal device. This access will last you for a couple years, but you will have to repurchase it at some…

Categories: Databases

Tags: citation management, reference management, open access

Citation Management Tools - Alternatives to EndNote
Posted On: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 - 13:21 by Steph Hendren

Many are familiar with EndNote as a helpful citation management tool that assists with collecting, saving, and citing papers. But sometimes EndNote can feel somewhat cumbersome to use. If you are on the market for a new citation manager, you might want to try out these other options.

Zotero is a freely available tool that offers desktop and Web versions and works well with both Windows and Mac. It is easy to use and makes collaborative projects relatively simple via Google Docs. If you run out of free storage, additional inexpensive storage space is available for purchase.

The Medical Center Library…


Categories: Explore Tools

Tags: endnote, zotero, refworks, citation management

Introduction to EndNote
Posted On: Tuesday, July 23, 2024 - 15:51 by Beverly Murphy

Learn how to create an EndNote Library, set up preferences, add citations/PDFs, and more. Tue. Aug. 20; 12-1p; ONLINE ONLY. This  class is FREE but registration is required.

Prerequisite: Prior to the session, please download EndNote for Windows or Mac through Duke's Office of Information Technology.

Categories: Classes

Tags: endnote, citation management

Introduction to Zotero: Managing Your References Efficiently
Posted On: Friday, July 19, 2024 - 22:32 by Beverly Murphy

Zotero helps you insert references into your text as well as create a reference list at the end of your paper in a variety of styles. Working together with Word and Google Docs, this open program is free up to 300 MB of storage.

This class will show you the basics of getting started in Zotero including adding references to your Zotero library, creating collections, and mastering tools to cite sources in your research papers. It will also explore advanced features such as collaboration, synchronization, and integration with word processors. Thu. Aug. 15; 4-5p; ONLINE ONLY. This class is FREE but registration is required.

Please Note…


Categories: Classes

Tags: zotero, citation management

Preparing Citations from Endnote (APA, AMA, Chicago Styles)
Posted On: Monday, April 24, 2017 - 15:28 by Matthew Johnson

Ever get nervous about formatting citations? Here’s an overview of a few common issues when citing journal articles in often-used styles (APA, AMA, and Chicago)

In most cases, you can easily export citation information from databases like PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, etc. into a reference management system like EndNote. However, you have to be careful about how that data is entered to ensure that your final citations are correct.

APA Style

When citing a journal article, use the following basic format:

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical…


Categories: Explore Tools

Tags: citation management, endnote, reference management, citations, APA

Five EndNote Advanced Features
Posted On: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 - 10:24 by Jamie Conklin

Whether you're new to EndNote or a long-time fan, improve your EndNote experience with these five advanced features.

1. Customize how EndNote looks

Some of our favorite Preferences include:

  • Within "Display Fonts," make that font size bigger!
  • Within "PDF Handling," have EndNote rename PDF files as Author + Year + Title.
  • Within "Display Fields," hide the fields you don't use (e.g. read/unread status) and display those you do (e.g. Research Notes). Also, uncheck the box to "Display all authors in the Author field."
  • Experiment with the library layout on a PC or on a…

Categories: Resource Updates

Tags: endnote, citation management

Posted On: Monday, July 22, 2013 - 08:19 by Adrianne Leonardelli

Zotero (zoh-TAIR-oh) is a free citation management tool that conveniently “lives in” your Web browser, where you do the majority of your work and research. Most commonly, Zotero works as an add-on for the Firefox browser. However, there is a Zotero standalone version that is compatible with Safari and Chrome.

Zotero is easy to use and has many of the same, as well as some unique, features as EndNote and RefWorks.  With Zotero, you can:

  • Organize & manage references into searchable collections
  • Insert citations as you write using the Zotero word-processing plug-in
  • Create formatted bibliographies in many different styles
  • Attach PDFs, notes and images to references
  • Easily add citations directly from databases and…

Categories: Explore Tools, Resource Updates

Tags: zotero, citation management, endnote, refworks