Duke Medical Center Library & Archives News Tag: clinicalkey

Procedural Videos Available
Posted On: Wednesday, January 24, 2024 - 13:22 by Sarah Cantrell (she/her/hers)

The Medical Center Library & Archives has many hidden gems, including several online collections that contain procedural videos. You'll find these videos in online sources like AccessMedicine's videos, Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy, ClinicalKey's videos, and Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Examination. We have put together an


Categories: Databases

Tags: clinicalkey, bates

New Resource - Clinical Pharmacology
Posted On: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 - 08:38 by Sarah Cantrell (she/her/hers)

Clinical Pharmacology, powered by ClinicalKey, is a comprehensive drug reference that supports healthcare professionals and health professions' students by providing current, accurate, and clinically relevant drug information.

The Clinical Pharmacology suite of resources includes:

  • Drug monographs - detailed drug information for U.S. prescription drugs, herbal supplements, nutritional, vitamin and over-the-counter products
  • Drug class overviews - to guide formulary drug reviews and therapeutic substitutions
  • Additional lists, such as - drugs not recommended for splitting, Beers…

Categories: Databases, Explore Tools, Resource Updates

Tags: clinical pharmacology, clinicalkey

Check out ClinicalKey's Enhancements
Posted On: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 - 16:38 by Brandi Tuttle

Have you noticed the newly designed front page for ClinicalKey? There have been some massive changes to the resource beyond just a facelift. Read on for more info and tips to get the most out of this great resource!

First, in case you are unfamiliar, Elsevier’s ClinicalKey is a medical search engine that gives you access to:

  • Full-text reference books (over a 1000!) and journals including top titles such as Gray’s Anatomy, Goldman’s Cecil Medicine, Braunwald’s Heart Disease, The Lancet and Mayo Clinic Proceedings
  • Clinical Overviews that provide succinct, easy-to-navigate summaries for quick answers
  • Drug monographs
  • Clinical calculators
  • Practice guidelines
  • Customizable patient education handouts
  • Drug indications, do not…

Categories: Alerts, Databases, Resource Updates

Tags: clinicalkey, textbooks, e-books, images, calculators

ClinicalKey for Nursing Cancelled
Posted On: Friday, June 23, 2017 - 03:22 by Beverly Murphy

As of June 1, ClinicalKey for Nursing (including Clinical Skills)  has been cancelled. Two new products have been purchased (Lippincott Advisor and Lippincott Procedures) which expand on the functions of this database and offer additional resources for practicing nurses.

Categories: Alerts, Databases

Tags: clinicalkey, lippincott advisor, lippincott procedures

Keeping up with Changes to ClinicalKey Content
Posted On: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 - 09:50 by Erica Brody

ClinicalKey is an online search tool for e-books, journals, Procedures Consult, First Consult, surgical Vitals and other clinical information. ClinicalKey provides access to more than 1,000 e-books in medicine and surgery and evidence-based content to help nurses find answers to clinical questions at the point of care.

Over time, the content of ClinicalKey changes. Books and journals are added and removed from the database. Here are two easy ways to keep up with changes to ClinicalKey content:


Categories: Databases

Tags: clinicalkey, e-books, e-journals