Duke Medical Center Library & Archives News

ChatGPT for Research and Writing: A Library Perspective
Posted On: Tuesday, May 30, 2023 - 15:15 by Megan Von Isenburg

From a YouTube tutorial showing how ChatGPT can "write a systematic review [in] under 1 hour" to reports of the program's fabrication of fake citations, recent media coverage of ChatGPT demonstrates a wide range of both promise and peril for its use in library research and writing tasks. We understand the interest in automating and streamlining these tasks: it is time consuming and difficult to find relevant articles, synthesize knowledge, and put it all into writing. So when can ChatGPT help and when might it lead you astray?

First, some background:
ChatGPT, a chatbot from the company OpenAI, is one example of generative artificial intelligence (AI) based on large language models (LLMs). Google's Bard program is similar. These generative text…


Tags: research, writing

Check Out Our New Database Search Tips Guide!
Posted On: Friday, May 26, 2023 - 17:30 by Brandi Tuttle

The Library has just rolled out a new guide highlighting some of our most commonly used databases. No matter whether you are answering clinical questions, seeking drug information, conducting research, or looking into your research impact, the guide will provide useful tips on selecting the correct database and getting started with the search. There is also some general information on how to get started with your search, the types of literature reviews, full text retrieval, and how to get more help from a Librarian. 

Check it out and let us know what you think!  Happy Searching!

Categories: Databases, Explore Tools, Resource Updates

Tags: searching

Provide Feedback on Open Science to White House
Posted On: Friday, May 26, 2023 - 10:10 by Megan Von Isenburg

Announcement from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP):

The OSTP is hosting a series of virtual public listening sessions to explore perspectives from the early career researcher community on the challenges and opportunities for advancing open science in the United States. Hosted as part of a Year of Open Science, these listening sessions aim to elevate the needs, priorities, and experiences of this community in shaping a future of open and equitable research.
OSTP is seeking input from undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows from a diverse…


NIH Preprint Pilot Expands to Phase 2!
Posted On: Thursday, May 25, 2023 - 10:10 by Lesley Skalla, Ph.D.

In 2020, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) launched the NIH Preprint Pilot to test the feasibility of making NIH-funded preprints discoverable in PubMed Central (PMC) and by extension, PubMed. Preprints are complete, public drafts of articles that have not yet been peer reviewed. Phase 1 sought to answer the NLM's question: do preprints in PMC accelerate the discoverability and maximize the impact of NIH-supported research? This first phase of the pilot focused on archiving preprints reporting SARS-CoV-2 virus/COVID-19 research and resulted in more than 3,500 preprints being added to the NLM database, accelerating access to NIH-supported research results by an average…


Categories: Alerts

Tags: preprint, scholarly communication, NIH

FDP Data Management & Sharing Pilot
Posted On: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 - 15:53 by Lesley Skalla, Ph.D.

It has been several months since NIH’s new Data Management and Sharing Policy went into effect. As a brief reminder, the new policy requires that investigators who are applying to NIH for funding submit a Data Management & Sharing (DMS) plan if their grant will produce scientific data. The DMS plan will describe the type and format of data that will be collected or produced and how it will be shared and preserved.

Researchers at Duke have an opportunity to participate in a pilot for NIH DMS Plan templates and…


Categories: Alerts

Tags: NIH, data management plans, for researchers, data management

We Are Now Subscribed to VisualDx
Posted On: Monday, April 10, 2023 - 10:41 by Sarah Cantrell (she/her/hers)

The Medical Center Library & Archives is pleased to announce that we now have a subscription to VisualDx, a clinical point-of-care tool, educational resource, and decision support system designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy, aid therapeutic decisions, and improve patient safety. After being on trial for almost a year, we appreciate your feedback in helping us to make this decision.

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with this resource, it is:

  • Renowned for its depth of diverse clinical images – 14,000+ images of variations in skin color
  • A valuable diagnostic clinical tool that helps you build a differential diagnosis
  • Useful for…

Categories: Databases, Resource Updates

Tags: visualdx

Zotero: A Free Reference Management Tool
Posted On: Sunday, March 26, 2023 - 21:18 by Leila Ledbetter

Zotero is a freely available reference management and writing tool that makes capturing citations easy. It has a browser plugin that works in Chrome, Firefox or Safari, and with one click you can add a journal article, Web page, video, or many other resource types to your library.

One of Zotero's strengths is that it is uncomplicated to us, making collaborative projects, especially with people at other institutions, relatively simple via Google Docs. 

You will never have to worry about losing your library of citations because everything is backed up to the cloud. Syncing to the Web version of Zotero allows you to access your library from any computer with Internet access. If you run out of Zotero's free storage, additional storage can…


Categories: Explore Tools

Tags: zotero

Have You Cleared Your Cache Lately?
Posted On: Thursday, March 23, 2023 - 10:43 by Beverly Murphy

Microsoft Edge

The fastest way to clear your cache is to use the following keyboard shortcut: CTRL + F5 or follow these steps:

  1. Check “Browsing History,” “Cookies and Saved Website Data,” “Cached Data & Files,” and “Tabs I’ve set aside or recently closed”
  2. Click the Clear button


The fastest way to clear your cache is to use the following keyboard shortcut: CTRL + SHIFT + R  on Windows or Linux or CMD + SHIFT + R on a Mac or follow these steps:

  1. Check “Browsing History,” “Cookies and Other Site Data,” and “Cached images and files.”
  2. Click the Clear Data button


The fastest way to clear your cache is to use…


Categories: Resource Outages

Tags: ZScaler

Meet the Health Poll Database!
Posted On: Monday, March 13, 2023 - 10:12 by Samantha Kaplan, Ph.D.

If you’re looking for individual attitudes and opinions on health topics, we’ve got a tool for that! The Health Poll Database, produced by the Roper Center, provides a searchable interface of thousands of health-related polls conducted in the United States in the last 80 years! Downloadable datasets are also available in many file formats (including Stata, ASCII, and SPSS). Cross-tabs and frequency distribution charts are included in results with easy access to graphics for presentations. Health topics include insurance, health care, social determinants and many more.

Categories: Databases

Vivli: A Data Repository for Clinical Data
Posted On: Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 15:22 by Lesley Skalla, Ph.D.

Now that the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy is in effect, researchers are taking a closer look at their options for where to deposit their data once the research project is complete. Indeed, the new policy requires researchers to prospectively plan for where they will share their data when they apply for NIH funding. If you work with human participant data and need a controlled access repository, Vivli may be a good option!

Vivli is a global clinical research data-sharing platform that focuses on sharing anonymized individual participant-level data. The platform includes a controlled access data repository, search engine, and secure research environment…


Categories: Explore Tools

Tags: vivli, data repository, data sharing, human participants

Changes to the AAMC Faculty Salary Report
Posted On: Friday, February 10, 2023 - 09:40 by Sarah Cantrell (she/her/hers)

The AAMC released its annual Faculty Salary Report, but are no longer making a print version available. Unfortunately, the AAMC is not currently offering an institutional subscription opportunity for libraries that would provide everyone at Duke with access.  As a result, individuals will have to purchase their own electronic access.

What does this mean for you?

If you are looking for current salary data, you will need to purchase your own access to the AAMC Faculty Salary Report from the AAMC Store. The cost is $75 for AAMC members, faculty and staff at member institutions (Duke is a member), and for residents/fellows. For sales support, including accessing member pricing, faculty or staff may contact AAMCStore@aamc.…


Categories: Resource Updates

The New NIH Data Policy is Here!
Posted On: Sunday, January 22, 2023 - 11:13 by Lesley Skalla, Ph.D.

The new NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy went into effect on January 25, 2023! This means that if you are submitting a NIH grant application that will produce scientific data, you now need to include a 1-2 page data management plan that describes the type and format of data you plan to collect or produce and how you will share and preserve it. At the time of the grant application, you will now need to plan for how you are going to manage and share your data. To support you with this process, we have provided a list helpful resources.

NIH Support


Categories: Alerts

Tags: NIH, data management, data management plans, data sharing

Need to Write a DMS Plan? Use DMPTool!
Posted On: Sunday, January 22, 2023 - 08:41 by Lesley Skalla, Ph.D.

If your research will be NIH-funded, you will need to include a data management and sharing (DMS) plan with your grant application as of January 25, 2023. You can use the NIH optional DMS Plan format page to create your plan, but why not take advantage of the free, online DMPTool managed by the California Digital Library?  DMPTool provides a click-through wizard that walks you through the DMP creation process using an NIH template along with helpful guidance from both NIH and Duke.

There are several reasons why Duke researchers should use the DMPTool:

  • Duke authentication through Shibboleth (choose Duke, login with NetID and password)

Categories: Alerts

Tags: data management plans, data sharing, NIH

Medical Center Library & Archives Snapshot 2022
Posted On: Sunday, January 15, 2023 - 00:18 by Beverly Murphy

The Medical Center Library & Archives annually collects facts, figures, and accomplishments of the Library and staff members and produces an annual snapshot. Take a look at some the highlights from the work completed in 2022.

Read about the activities of the Medical Center Library & Archives in our recently released 2022 Snapshot!

VisualDx User Experience
Posted On: Friday, January 13, 2023 - 09:51 by Katherine Carlson (she/her/hers)

We are midway through our yearlong trial of VisualDx, a clinical tool designed to visually represent variations of diseases, enhance diagnostic accuracy, aid in therapeutic decisions, and improve patient care. VisualDx’s 14,000+ diverse images and differential building tool have proven useful in both clinical and educational settings, and its welcoming tile grid invites users to easily and quickly interact. If you haven’t had time to explore VisualDx personally, helpful videos are available on YouTube, like how to Build a Differential.

According to an article in…


Categories: Databases

Tags: visualdx