Duke Medical Center Library & Archives News

Beverly Murphy, Librarian and MLA President, Profiled in Article
Posted On: Monday, October 15, 2018 - 16:18 by Megan Von Isenburg

Beverly Murphy, Assistant Director for Communications and Web Content Management and Liaison to DUHS Hospital Nursing and the Watts School of Nursing at the Duke Medical Center Library & Archives, was recently profiled in the Journal of the Medical Library Association. This article is a fantastic tribute to our "Bold, Brave, and Brilliant" co-worker, who is the Medical Library Association's first African-American President. Beverly is well-respected and admired by professional colleagues across the country as well as here at Duke. Congratulations Beverly!

Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide Now Available!
Posted On: Thursday, July 5, 2018 - 14:44 by Sarah Cantrell (she/her/hers)

We now provide access to the Johns Hopkins ABX (Antibiotic) Guide, an infectious disease resource intended for all healthcare personnel. The guide features frequently updated, evidence-based information on infectious diseases, including disease diagnosis; drug indications, dosing, pharmacokinetics, side effects, and interactions; pathogens; management; and vaccines.

The ABX Guide includes details of drug spectrum activity to target the right anti-infective agent at the right organism. Additionally, the ABX Guide offers annotated references with links out to articles so that clinicians can easily connect to and explore the evidence…


Categories: Databases, Explore Tools, Resource Updates

Tags: drugs

AccessMedicine and AccessAnestheisiology Now Available!
Posted On: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 - 14:45 by Sarah Cantrell (she/her/hers)

The Medical Center Library & Archives now subscribes to AccessMedicine, a resource which provides access to the latest electronic editions of over 95 core biomedical and health sciences textbooks, including Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Hurst's The Heart, Williams Obstetrics, and the CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment series.

Additionally, you will find an extensive multimedia library that includes examination and procedural videos and patient safety modules; Diagnosaurus, a differential diagnosis tool; practice guidelines from Current Practice Guidelines in Primary Care; diagnostic tests from Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests…


Categories: Databases

Tags: e-books

Do You Know Your Research Impact?
Posted On: Friday, April 27, 2018 - 09:18 by Beverly Murphy

Have you recently checked to see the research impact you, your team, department, or other group has had?  The Medical Center Library & Archives can help you gather and interpret publication metrics.  You have likely heard of an h-index, but there are many ways to demonstrate the value of your work. Check out our Publication Metrics guide to learn more!

Contact the Library today for assistance in demonstrating the impact of your work!

Tags: for researchers, research

The Cochrane Library - iPad edition
Posted On: Monday, April 2, 2018 - 13:16 by Megan Van Noord

The Cochrane Library iPad edition presents the latest up-to-date evidence from the Cochrane Library in a convenient, easy to navigate format which provides you with relevant, accessible research, when you need it, from experts in evidence-informed health care. Monthly issues feature a hand-picked selection of Cochrane Systematic Reviews, specifically abridged to provide the best possible iPad reading experience. The themed sections in every issue are color-coded throughout so that you can easily find content relevant to you. The Bookmark feature allows you to create your own special collection of Cochrane Reviews across issues. Additionally, the title page for every review includes a link to the full version of the review available…


Categories: Databases

Tags: Cochrane

Data Stations
Posted On: Monday, April 2, 2018 - 12:39 by Megan Van Noord

Are you working on a project that requires data analysis, but don't have the necessary software installed? The Duke University Medical Center Library can help! There are two computers (Data Stations) on Level 2R of the library that have been configured with data analysis and visualization software. Those with Duke Health badges have 24 hour access, 7 days a week to the Data Stations, and they are also available to the public Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Examples of software installed on the Data Stations include: SPSS, Stata, SAS, RStudio, NVIVO, Python, and Tableau. The Duke community may also download much of this software through Duke OIT Software Licensing.

Categories: Explore Tools

New Touchscreen Kiosks Are Here!
Posted On: Friday, December 22, 2017 - 11:05 by Beverly Murphy

While we are always happy to help you at the Library Service Desk, we recognize that sometimes you need information in a rush, after hours, or maybe on another floor of the Library, far from our desk. Our new kiosks will help you connect with library services at our Entrance Level, Level 1, and Level 3.

What’s on the kiosks?

  • Exhibits – Learn more about our special collections, historical medical instruments, and some of our artwork
  • Book a Room – See what study rooms are free and book a room directly from the kiosk
  • Maps – Our building can be confusing but hopefully our maps will help…

Categories: Alerts, Resource Updates

Office Hours to Assist with Human Subject Research Proposals
Posted On: Wednesday, December 20, 2017 - 14:44 by Beverly Murphy

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has broadened its definition of clinical trial and is instituting the use of a new forms packet for collecting information about human subjects research at the time of proposal submission. These changes are substantial and will impact applications (new, resubmission, or revision) and awards with submission dates after January 25, 2018.

In an effort to answer questions related to these changes, several offices at Duke are coming together to offer office hours at the Medical Center Library & Archives (see schedule below). These are open to any faculty and staff with questions about proposal preparation or submission. General questions about these changes or office hours can be directed to


Categories: Alerts

Tags: NIH, for researchers, research

Altmetric Explorer for Institutions is Back!
Posted On: Monday, November 20, 2017 - 19:03 by Beverly Murphy

The institutional version of Altmetic Explorer, which allows the ability to search for verified research outputs by institution, department, authors, etc., has been funded through October 2018.

To learn more about Altmetric tools, connect to our Publication Metrics: Almetrics Guide.

Categories: Alerts, Databases

Tags: altmetrics, guide

NIH Statement on Predatory Publishing
Posted On: Tuesday, November 7, 2017 - 13:39 by Jesse Akman

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently released a statement intended to "protect the credibility of published research" by encouraging authors to publish papers resulting from NIH-funded research in reputable journals.  You can read the full statement here.

For resources to help you determine where (and where not) to publish, see our Publication Metrics Guide.

Have questions about predatory publishing? Ask a Librarian! Contact us at medical-librarian@duke.edu.

Tags: NIH, publishing, publications

Patient Health Information
Posted On: Wednesday, November 1, 2017 - 10:18 by Jesse Akman

As we head into the holiday season, many of us may eat too much food and have health related questions.  The Library wants to help!  When your great aunt has a question about her indigestion, check out our Consumer/Patient Health Guide which highlights resources such as:

  • MedlinePlus for health topics, drug and supplement information, and even tutorials and videos
  • KidsHealth for pediatric information about everything from diseases & conditions to growth and development
  • The Merck Manual for pill identifiers, news, procedures and more

And finally,…


Categories: Resource Updates

Tags: health literacy, guide

Visit Our Garden!
Posted On: Monday, September 18, 2017 - 13:25 by Beverly Murphy

The Medical Garden is still in bloom! If you are not familiar with our garden, come see the potpourri of potted herbs and plants such as rosemary, sage, box, and yarrow. Have your lunch and enjoy the view while the weather is still pleasant. It’s one of Duke’s best kept secrets!

Remote Access to E-journals Page
Posted On: Monday, August 28, 2017 - 00:04 by Beverly Murphy

This year we transitioned to a new e-journals platform which resulted in a few access issues for our e-journals page, but they have now been resolved.

There is however a change in the process for authentication purposes. If you access our e-journals page from off-site, you now have to log-in with your DukeNet ID and password. On-site access is not affected.

If you experience any problems with accessing our e-journals page from off-site, please contact us at medical-librarian@duke.edu or 919.660.1100.

Categories: Alerts

Tags: e-journals

Reserve Our Study Spaces Online
Posted On: Friday, August 18, 2017 - 10:14 by Beverly Murphy

The Medical Center Library & Archives now offers group study spaces for reservation by Duke-affiliated faculty, staff, and students.

Group study rooms are available for booking on Levels 1 and 3 of the Library.  All the rooms are equipped with large monitors and whiteboards and seat between 4 and 8 people. 

Level 1: Rooms 102A and 102B
Level 3: Rooms 315, 316, 319, 320

Reservation Policy: Group study rooms may be reserved by faculty, staff, and students for 2 hours per day, per…


Categories: Resource Updates

Test Instruments Guide
Posted On: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 - 15:26 by Jesse Akman

One of the many challenges faced when beginning a project is finding and selecting appropriate test instruments. Our handy Test Instruments Guide can be used to navigate the process. It includes both online and print resources and provides search tips for finding specific instruments. Sample resources include:


Categories: Resource Updates

Tags: test instruments, for researchers, research, guide