The Medical Center Library & Archives now subscribes to AccessMedicine, a resource which provides access to the latest electronic editions of over 95 core biomedical and health sciences textbooks, including Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Hurst's The Heart, Williams Obstetrics, and the CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment series.
Additionally, you will find an extensive multimedia library that includes examination and procedural videos and patient safety modules; Diagnosaurus, a differential diagnosis tool; practice guidelines from Current Practice Guidelines in Primary Care; diagnostic tests from Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests; patient education materials; as well as other tools and resources.
The Medical Center Library & Archives also has a one year subscription to AccessAnesthesiology, which includes the comprehensive reference, Anesthesiology, as well as Morgan & Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology. AccessAnesthesiology can help students excel in their clerkship; assist residents in strengthening their skills with instant access to procedural videos, self-assessment, and leading anesthesiology textbooks that will establish a solid base for learning; allow practicing anesthesiologists to reinforce their medical knowledge for recertification; and provide CRNAs with an important foundation in their career.