Duke Medical Center Library & Archives News

Test Your Visual Diagnostic Skills!
Posted On: Thursday, September 16, 2021 - 16:49 by Brandi Tuttle
Ready to test your medical diagnostic skills with visual clues (photos, radiographs, EKG, pathology slide, etc)? Using Harrison's Visual Case Challenge, via AccessMedicine, this just got easier! Each challenge presents a case that includes two conditions for each patient, you can make the diagnosis solely based on the visual information provided or you can request more information on the patient before making your diagnosis. Clinical Pearls provided make sure you understand the content. Currently there are nearly 70 covering a variety of general internal medicine topics with more coming!
Here's how you can get started:
- Go to AccessMedicine (if you are off-…
Categories: Resource Updates

Case Files Collection
Posted On: Monday, August 16, 2021 - 15:00 by Steph Hendren
AccessMedicine's complete set of Case Files is now accessible via our Databases page or using the Clinical Tools Libguide.
Offering an interactive format, this comprehensive collection can be incorporated into a digital curricula to help students at all levels learn and apply basic science and clinical medicine concepts in the context of realistic patient cases. Faculty and instructors can utilize the case files to find scenarios for in-class teaching, in addition to providing Step and shelf exam study materials for medical students.
… MORECategories: Explore Tools, Resource Updates

What Review is Right for You?
Posted On: Monday, May 24, 2021 - 00:00 by Sarah Cantrell (she/her/hers)
Many researchers say they want to conduct a systematic review, only to be dismayed by the amount of time, effort, skill, and teamwork required to pull off that feat. Even with time and a good team, the research question might not be best suited to systematic review methodology.
There are actually many other review methodologies that researchers can choose depending on their research question. We've put together a guide to make the distinctions between review types easier to understand and to help guide you in selecting the best methodology for your research question. Our guide includes links to helpful resources, including the newly updated …
MORECategories: Resource Updates
Tags: systematic reviews

Share Your Student Experiences with Us!
Posted On: Monday, May 3, 2021 - 08:09 by Rebecca Williams
Calling all students!
As we approach the end of the academic year, we invite you to share your experiences and perspectives for preservation in the Duke Medical Center Archives. We want to collect documentation of students’ experiences before this history is lost to memory.
We have a short form that asks some reflective questions about your experiences as a health professional student during a worldwide pandemic. It also provides a place for you to upload photographs, videos, or audio recordings that document your year.
These questions are designed to be flexible and are all optional. Your answers will go directly to the Archives and not to school administrators or faculty. You may also choose…
MORETags: archives, duke history, COVID-19

American Heart Association E-Books (ACLS, BLS, PALS)
Posted On: Thursday, February 11, 2021 - 17:29 by Beverly Murphy
The Medical Center iIbrary & Archives offers electronic access to ACLS, BLS and PALS which are licensed for six simultaneous users.
Note: Please be sure to log out when you are done so others can get access.
The provider manuals are linked from our Clinical Tools page, the Online Catalog, and listed below for your convenience.
MORECategories: Alerts, Explore Tools, Resource Updates

Duke Medical Center Archives Spotlight on Black History at Duke Health
Posted On: Tuesday, February 9, 2021 - 10:50 by Rebecca Williams
With the events of the past year, it has probably become clichéd to say that “we are living in historic times”. However, as we celebrate Black History Month this year, the reality of systemic racism and injustice is forefront in many of our minds. An important first step to addressing systemic racism is learning more about how race and racism is embedded in our history, including that of Duke Health. The Duke University Medical Center Archives seeks to preserve materials that document the history of Duke Health and make them available for research and education. For example, we have been actively capturing and preserving the 2020 Moments to Movement programs… MORE
Categories: Exhibits
Tags: archives, black history month

Clinical Mobile Apps
Posted On: Monday, January 25, 2021 - 09:17 by Sarah Cantrell (she/her/hers)
In a world where the Medical Library now lives in your hand with many Duke-provided mobile apps, let's make sure you know that:
- The Lexicomp app requires a subscription code (provided via Duke's institutional license). This code changes yearly. Make sure you go to Lexicomp, click on the Mobile App Access button, and follow their instructions to update your subscription code.
- If you are a new to Duke, you may need to let your existing UpToDate subscription lapse prior to setting up your account through the Duke.
- You can get CME/CE earned from UpToDate and DynaMed. These will fulfill MOC CME requirements of some ABMS Member Boards including the ABIM.
- The Library offers the Johns Hopkins ABX…
Categories: Explore Tools
Tags: mobile apps

A Year in Review: 2020 Additions to the Duke University Medical Center Archives
Posted On: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 - 14:42 by Rebecca Williams
The Duke University Medical Center Archives (DUMCA) actively collects the official records of the DUMC and DUHS departments and divisions, including a variety of materials that provide evidence of business, interests, and activities through the years. In doing so, the DUMCA serves as the institutional memory of the DUMC and DUHS by collecting, preserving, and making accessible materials that provide evidence of day to operations. Guided by our collection development policy, we strive to document the intellectual, administrative, social, cultural, and visual history of the DUMC and DUHS in order to provide evidence of past actions and contribute to an understanding of the structure and history of the DUMC and DUHS. See below for a listing of materials added to the DUMCA. The types of… MORE

Stay Up-to-date with Read by QXMD or Researcher!
Posted On: Friday, October 16, 2020 - 09:05 by Sarah Cantrell (she/her/hers)
Feel like you are missing important articles? Struggling to stay up-to-date with your favorite journals? Want easier access to the full text articles on your mobile phone? Tools like Read by QxMD or Researcher allow you to create personalized feeds of the research that matters to you. They're mobile-friendly, free, and set up is easy!
First, create an account at Read by QxMD (https://read.qxmd.com/) or Researcher (https://www.researcher-app.com/). You can also search in the Google Play or Apple App stores to download the apps.
- For Read by QxMD, make sure…
Categories: Explore Tools
Tags: mobile apps

E is for Essential: E-Books & E-Textbooks Everyone Needs
Posted On: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 - 23:48 by Samantha Kaplan, Ph.D.
Try before you buy – or don't buy at all! We have hundreds of essential clinical titles in our e-book collection, many are indispensable textbooks for students, teachers, and clinicians. We are proud to offer a Board Review Series and Clerkship/Clinical Rotations series which feature core e-books for Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry and Surgery, including the Blueprints and Step-up series. ClinicalKey E-Books,…
MORECategories: Resource Updates
Tags: e-books

NIH Preprints for Early Access to COVID-19 Research
Posted On: Friday, June 19, 2020 - 18:15 by Karen Barton
The National Library of Medicine (NLM) has launched a pilot project to test the viability of making preprints resulting from NIH-funded research available via PubMed Central (PMC). It is very important to note that these preprints will NOT be peer-reviewed. Therefore, when you search PubMed Central or PubMed (which also retrieves PubMed Central articles), you may see preprints in your search results that will display the banner shown to the right below.
The pilot project will run for a minimum of 12 months and will initially focus on increasing the discoverability of preprints relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. Once curation and ingest workflows become scalable, NLM hopes to expand the pilot to include the full spectrum of NIH…
MORECategories: Resource Updates
Tags: NIH, COVID-19, for researchers, research, coronavirus

Remembering Dr. Thomas Roberts Kinney
Posted On: Wednesday, May 27, 2020 - 23:46 by Rebecca Williams
We were saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. Thomas Roberts Kinney earlier this week. Dr. Kinney was the Wilburt C. Davison Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics and Associate Chair Emeritus in the Department of Pediatrics. Dr. Kinney had a long career here at Duke.
Dr. Kinney is widely known for his work as both a clinical researcher and advocate in the field of pediatric hematology. He led an NIH-funded 20 year cooperative study that defined the natural history of the sickle cell disease. He was also a champion of sickle cell screening in infants and successfully coordinated in the implementation of newborn screening for the disease in North Carolina. He then went on to help establish…
Library Zoom Backgrounds
Posted On: Thursday, May 21, 2020 - 14:10 by Rebecca Williams
Do you miss meeting and studying in the Medical Center Library? We sure do! Instead, we are all spending a lot of time on Zoom these days. Changing your background is a great feature to hide a messy house, block that roommate in profile in the background, or just to express your own creativity and personality.
We have created several free virtual background templates for you to download and use. They feature images from the Medical Center Library and surrounding campus areas from the very beginning of the hospital up until now. We hope you enjoy them!
You can click on any of the images below to enlarge and save to your computer or you can download them directly from this Box folder. …
MORECategories: Explore Tools, Resource Updates

Your Story Matters! Documenting COVID-19 at Duke
Posted On: Monday, April 27, 2020 - 15:57 by Rebecca Williams
COVID-19 has changed and disrupted our lives, at Duke and around the world. On campus, most students have returned home, classes are online, and all events are cancelled. Many staff are working from home; others that are deemed essential continue to work on campus. The hospital is preparing for an influx of people infected with COVID-19. Duke researchers are trying to find ways to fight the disease, from identifying treatments to creating better protective equipment.
And we all live with the fear of the physical impact of the virus, both for ourselves and our families.
The Duke University Archives and the Duke University Medical Center Archives have been hard at work to document this unique time in history. We have been capturing all of the news alerts, email updates…
MORETags: COVID-19, archives, coronavirus

COVID-19 Core Clinical Resources Libguide
Posted On: Sunday, March 22, 2020 - 18:56 by Beverly Murphy
COVID-19: Core Clinical Resources is a compilation of information and literature about COVID-19 that will be immediately useful to practicing clinicians at Duke. Please understand that this guide is also fluid and evolving since the topic is evolving rapidly, with an onslaught of literature and information. If you are a Duke clinician, we welcome your feedback and suggestions.
Categories: Alerts, Explore Tools, Resource Updates
Tags: COVID-19, coronavirus