For every job there is just the right tool. While most people are familiar with PubMed, we also provide access to many other databases -- from specialty to general -- that might better fill your information searching needs.

Embase: Covers biomedical literature from journals from around the world. It offers particularly strong coverage of drugs. Embase includes records and journals that are not covered by PubMed, including conference abstracts and European journal titles.

Scopus: Offers excellent coverage of biomedical literature as well as business, social sciences, education, and other humanities. This is an excellent tool for interdisciplinary research and s easy to use.

Web of Science: Indexes scholarly journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities. It provides bibliographic data, full-length author abstracts, and is the go to resource for determining the number of times an article has been cited.
For help with searching any of these databases, you can arrange a consultation with one of our research librarians.
These and other databases are available in the “Databases” section of our Website. Please explore these resources to see if there are other tools that suit your needs.
Questions? Contact us at or 919.660.1100.