DynaMed Plus Available

DynaMed Plus, an evidence-based point-of-care information resource is available. It's accessible through the Library's Clinical Tools, Databases page, and via mobile devices.

By offering bulleted topic overviews on diseases, drugs and other therapies, DynaMed Plus seeks to make the best available evidence easier to use at the point of care. These topics are formatted for quick look up and link back to the original studies for a deeper dive.

The DynaMed Plus editorial team monitors hundreds of high quality medical journals for new evidence that could impact existing topics. Relevant and valid articles are appraised using standard criteria and assigned the appropriate level of evidence from 1-3 indicated by: Level 1 (likely reliable) Evidence; Level 2 (mid-level) Evidence; and Level 3 (lacking direct) Evidence. Editors ensure that all evidence is objectively reported and synthesized with existing data.

Want DynaMed on your mobile device?

    1. Access DynaMed Plus while you're on the Duke network.
    2. Click on the "Sign Up For Remote Access" link at the top of the page
    3. Create your own username and password
    4. Download the DynaMed Plus app from your device's app store
    5. Sign in with your DynaMed Plus username and password

We are seeking information about how well DynaMed Plus answers your questions and integrates into your workflow, so let us know what you think by taking our brief survey!  You may also email us with your feedback at medical-librarian@duke.edu.