Scholars@Duke is a new, searchable research network and faculty directory designed to replace the aging Faculty Research Database (FReD) system. It is publicly available and designed to bring together information about the research and teaching activities of Duke faculty members. The first phase was introduced in May and features faculty in the School of Medicine.
This tool will allow you to:
Identify Duke colleagues with similar interests
Find potential collaborators on research or teaching projects
Make your work visible to the world as well as to the Duke community
Duke needs your help in making this tool valuable to you and your colleagues!
- Visit your profile page to make sure it is accurate
- Use Duke Elements to update or correct your publications or to load them to the Duke Libraries Repository, which provides free access to your work
- Appoint delegates in both the Scholars@Duke and Elements systems to assist with the work by giving them rights to your information
Need help using the system?
- Locate the Power User in your area who has been trained to help you
- Contact the Medical Center Library & Archives at, 919.660.1100, or via chat
- Find videos, user guides, and Quick Answers on the Scholars@Duke support page
Other benefits of Scholars@Duke and Elements
- See a “visualization” of your network of Co-Authors or Co-Investigators on your profile page
- View a brief overview of your publication history over the past 10 years as well as total publications
- Find other metrics about your publications within Elements
- Make your publications freely available to others by uploading them (according to your agreement with the publisher)