The new NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy went into effect on January 25, 2023! This means that if you are submitting a NIH grant application that will produce scientific data, you now need to include a 1-2 page data management plan that describes the type and format of data you plan to collect or produce and how you will share and preserve it. At the time of the grant application, you will now need to plan for how you are going to manage and share your data. To support you with this process, we have provided a list helpful resources.
NIH Support
- NIH Scientific Data Sharing is your go-to resource for information. In addition to the original notices and supplements, there is helpful info on Selecting a Data Repository including a listing of NIH-affiliated data repositories and generalist repositories.
- The Checklist for Researchers, created by the NIH DMSP Guidance Working Group, provides guide points for researchers writing their NIH DMS plan.
Duke Support
- You can find all data resources available to researchers at Duke on the MyResearchPath portal which includes the new 2023 NIH DMS Policy.
- Please reach out to to meet with a Duke University Libraries data management consultant. They can provide help with writing your DMS plan, advice on informed consent language around data sharing and curation practices, and assistance with end-user licensing or data use agreements.
- NEW Office Hours! If you have questions or need help, you can now meet online with data management consultants from the Duke Office of Scientific Integrity, the Duke University Libraries,and the Medical Center Library & Archives. These office hours are designed for individuals or small groups to receive customized help in data management planning for the new NIH DMS Policy. Office hours will be held on Thursday mornings at 9 am and are limited to 4 registrants. These sessions are FREE but registration is required.
- Use the free online DMPTool to make the DMP writing process easier! It provides funder specific templates, guidance from both funders and Duke, and sample language to use. Log in with your Duke NetID and password and save all your plans in one place. You can easily request feedback from data management staff, and your DMS plan will receive a DOI that can be linked to your ORCID.
- Get help choosing appropriate data storage at Duke for your project by using SecureIt, an online tool to help match your storage and analysis needs with the sensitivity level of your data.
- If you need a home for your research data, the Duke Research Data Repository (RDR) provides open access, DOIs for all datasets, and 300 GB of preservation storage per deposit for Duke researchers at no cost.
- Attend an upcoming training through the Duke Center for Data and Visualization Sciences:
- Preparing for Data Publishing: Standards and Disciplinary Repositories
Tuesday, Feb. 14; 10a - 12p - Meeting Data Management Plan Requirements (RCR credit)
Monday, Feb. 20; 1 - 2p - Ethics of Data Management and Sharing
Thursday, Mar. 2; 10a - 12p
- Preparing for Data Publishing: Standards and Disciplinary Repositories
- If you have questions about Duke's implementation of the NIH DMS Policy, please reach out to
Please contact Lesley Skalla if you have additional questions about the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy.