NEJM AI: A New Journal Now Available Through the Library!

There are several changes to Duke's journal subscriptions for 2022. Library staff across Duke have been working together to renegotiate large "Big Deal" packages with publishers Elsevier, Springer, and Wiley that were up for regular renewal, with an eye toward containing excessive annual increases for journal prices. When reviewing specific journal titles, we examined several variables, including usage data, journal price, article cost-per-use, journal Impact Factor, and the number of articles by Duke researchers in the journal.
These titles have been added to our subscriptions because they meet our criteria for inclusion based on cost, usage, journal quality, and relevance.
The following journal titles will no longer be available for current access; however, access to previous years will continue.
Due to cancellations, some journal titles will switch platforms. The following journal titles will now be available through ClinicalKey rather than ScienceDirect.